Rua Júlio de Castilhos, 561 - Cep 93510-130 - Novo Hamburgo - Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil
View mapTalk to the person responsible for acting as a communication channel to deal with matters related to the LGPD.
No. Abicalçados is an association that represents the interests of the footwear industry.
Abicalçados already has a solid base of suppliers. In case it needs new partners, a selection process will be opened.
All information and statistics available are on our website, other information is available only to the member companies of Abicalçados and the Brazilian Footwear program. These can be requested by e-mail
All contacts of the companies associated with Abicalçados and Brazilian Footwear are available on our website. If you would like to know more information about the company, please contact the city Union.
Abicalçados makes no indication of suppliers or service providers.